Warning: Declaration of BWGViewWidget::form($instance, $id_title, $name_title, $id_type, $name_type, $id_show, $name_show, $id_gallery_id, $name_gallery_id, $id_album_id, $name_album_id, $id_count, $name_count, $id_width, $name_width, $id_height, $name_height, $id_theme_id, $name_theme_id) should be compatible with BWGControllerWidget::form($instance) in /data/www/19825/stable-donja-rehovice_cz/www/wp-content/plugins/photo-gallery/admin/views/BWGViewWidget.php on line 0

Warning: Declaration of BWGViewWidgetSlideshow::form($instance, $id_title, $name_title, $id_gallery_id, $name_gallery_id, $id_width, $name_width, $id_height, $name_height, $id_effect, $name_effect, $id_interval, $name_interval, $id_shuffle, $name_shuffle, $id_theme_id, $name_theme_id) should be compatible with BWGControllerWidgetSlideshow::form($instance) in /data/www/19825/stable-donja-rehovice_cz/www/wp-content/plugins/photo-gallery/admin/views/BWGViewWidgetSlideshow.php on line 0
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Provozovatel: Adresa statku:
Věra Stašková Řehovice 9
Řehovice 9 257 56 Maršovice
257 56 Maršovice okres Benešov
okres Benešov
číslo hospodářství: CZ 11002554
IČO: 46409360 info@stable-donja-rehovice.cz
tel.: 608 027 780

